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About the product with a story inside

16. 12. 2012 | Marketing a reklama | 0 komentářů

Yesterday I got a perfect gift. A Horsefeathers belt that was – in its previous life – a skateboard deck of one of the team riders. Wow. As a former skateboarder I always like to tell stories how we, tough boys from Milltown, were riding no matter what the weather was like. Skateboarding was an adventure, hanging out on streets a daily routine but honestly, these days are gone and I spend most of my life at work wondering if it makes any sense.

horsefeathers deck pásek

I am sure you´ve heard million of advice on how to be great in social media. I am also sure that if you´re a regular reader of my blog, at least one of your friends is so-called „social media guru“. These gurus are very special kind of people – they know about every feature of every social networking site you never heard of. And these people sell their advice to brand representatives because if your brand´s not on Facebook, it doesn’t exist.

Back to the belt

A man without a belt is weird. When you go shopping you have tons of types, colors and motives of belts you can buy. Which one you choose? Brands can sell belts that are cheap. Have great design. Are worn by celebrities or carries the logo of brand that makes you part of the trendy mainstream. Or you can buy an artefact that has a story inside as in the case of my new belt.


Once you purchase the belt, you get an ID and an adress to a website where you can register. You will find the database of unique belts (every product is unique – it is only yours) with the names of people that have purchased the belt too. You also get a lifetime warranty for the registration but for me, it was secondary.


The biggest thought is that the story itself sells the essentials of brand´s existence. Skateboarding is about stories and „a broken deck is like a broken heart“. It is also about being a part of community. Voila: this product is social. Social by design.

DECK – BEHIND THE SCENES from Horsefeathers on Vimeo.

Tools versus thoughts

I didn´t talk to, nor meet the people that come up with this product but I think they are not very skilled in use of social media. But they do know their brand and its essence. We should follow this example and at first start thinking about the product itself and its added value for customer no matter if it´s emotional or functional.

Stop counting your fans, followers or likes. It´s waste of time if you don´t know what is „the thing“ you sell to people.

Pro ty, kteří jsou překvapeni angličtinou na Eikasia.cz: tento článek není začátkem english-only verze, ale už dlouho chci začít anglicky psát jednoduše proto, abych se to naučil. Hned to perfektní nebude, a pokud narazíte na cokoliv, co nedává smysl, určitě mi napište.

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